We all know that mothers only want what’s best for their children, especially when it comes to nutrition. Since they want their children to grow up to be healthy individuals, mothers go through great lengths in order to provide well-balanced meals for their children.
Food preparation in itself may be difficult, but sometimes, it is more difficult to get children to eat the nutritious dishes prepared for them. If only all children ate what their parents or guardians made for them, then there wouldn’t be any problem. In fact this is the case during a child’s first two years. But then one day, this same child who ate almost everything given to him or her starts rejecting food and saying “No.” The child gets more exposed to certain types of food; and after discovering the joys of sweets and hotdogs; he usually prefers these over healthier food options.
The same thing happens over and over again—and before you know it, your child has turned into a picky eater.
The term “picky eater” is one of the most frequently used terms by health professionals in characterizing the eating behavior of some children. In Filipino, these children are described as “mapili o maselan” when it comes to food.
· The child consumes a limited number or an inadequate variety of food, and/or exhibits strong food preferences;
· The child is unwilling to try new food (food neophobia); and
· The child eats slowly, lacks interest, and/or does not eat enough.
Food acceptance or rejection may be based on the qualities of food such as taste, texture, appearance, smell, or temperature. In extreme cases, there are even times when entire food groups are avoided!
“Look, I prepared ice cream, chicken nuggets, and pizza for breakfast!”
Many parents come to rely on snacks eaten on the go, which tend to be salty, sweet, or otherwise unhealthy. At mealtimes, moms will provide "kid food," easy-to-prepare child-pleasers like ice cream, chicken nuggets, and pizza. Based on the 6th National Nutrition Survey, softdrinks top the list of the most commonly consumed item of 6 month – 5 year old children.
Reclaim Your Child’s Dietary Future
Clearly, there’s more to ‘picky eating’ than meets the eye—it represents potential health problems for your child, not only in the present, but also in the future.
Aqiva Says No to Picky Eating and Yes to Proper Nutrition
Aqiva was created by Wyeth, the country’s leading nutritionals company, to support parents who aim to address the problems of their picky eating children from ages 4-7 years old.
“It’s very important for children to get the nutrition that they need at an early age,” shares Carlo de la Paz, Aqiva brand manager. “According to research, young children’s diets, especially picky eaters, may be deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. This can affect his or her physical development.”
Unlike other milk brands that have excessive fat content, Aqiva provides the ideal caloric distribution for your child with high quality macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats that’s all within RENI (Recommended Energy and Nutrient intake) levels.
De la Paz further shares that the quality of macronutrients is another area that Aqiva can be proud of. “We all know that not all fat or protein can be considered as ‘good fats’ or ‘good proteins.” Aqiva gets its fat from an all-vegetable source whereas its protein contains high quality whey protein which is easily absorbed and tolerated by young children.
Thus, Aqiva may help give your child a better, healthier future, by providing him or her better nutrition.
Picky eating is a behavior that can be ended by better equipping and educating parents and guardians on the issue, and supporting them with quality milk supplements such as Aqiva.